Monday, April 13, 2009


Happy Easter Monday!

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend full of good food, lots of sleep and other wonderful things. I spent my weekend studying for an economics final and packing up my residence room. I wrote my first final tonight, have more exams tomorrow and Wednesday, and I fly out Thursday afternoon. Things are pretty hectic right now, I really don't know how I am going to have time to study, write exams, finish packing, and say goodbye to everyone before I am flung across the country for the summer. Well it really isn't across the country, but you know what I mean.

I don't know how I am going to deal with being home. St. Pauls is so...loud, but comfortably loud. Everyone is everywhere and knows everyone else's business- just like a big, noisy obnoxious family. I am scared of waking up on Friday morning and being the only person in my house- I don't even remember what that feels like.

Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to going home. At home I don't have to wear flip flops in the shower and I can eat REAL food again; but when you spend eight months with your friends and you eat together, study together, go to class together and are just...together all of the time, not having that is going to be so strange and empty.

I complain about St. Paul's just about everyday, but I really love this place. I love grilled cheese for lunch, my perpetually messy room, strange smells in the hallway, eating dinner at the big table, and seeing people play soccer on the St. Paul's green on sunshiney afternoons. I love the anticipation of walking up that path, knowing that soon I will be safe and warm.

I can't believe that we aren't frosh anymore.

I think the stress of exams is getting to me.


  1. The title of this post reminded me how much I will miss communicating with you solely in sound effects. *sigh*.

  2. It's so empty in here! You've barely been gone 5 hours... :(
