Saturday, July 25, 2009

Don't be bossin' me.


I guess I am bad at this, this keeping a blog updated thing. My summer has been fairly tame, and will continue to be until I get back to Waterloo (in 32 days hurrah!). So for now, as I don't speak to most of you on a regular basis, HERE IS AN UPDATE.

So, first of all, let me tell you about my "new" job, even though it really is not new anymore. My title is the "Summer Recreation Coordinator", pretty self explanitory; I coordinate recreational activities in the summer for people with developmental disabilites. It is nice, I have worked at the Activity Centre on and off for almost two years, but my other positions have always been a lot more serious; handling house finances, medications, etc., but in this job, I just plan fun everyday.
(It is a nice get away, even though I miss the routine (and money) of my other position.)

So pretty much I have spent my last two months hanging out in the sun, planning trips to go bowling and to concerts and the beach. And I laugh. Oh boy do we laugh. I get to spend all my time with my guys and not have to worry "oh did they get their 5pm medication", which is a wonderful way to spend my days.

OH! Also, on Thursdays, I cook lunch for the elderly. I have a love-hate relationship with these people.
On the one hand, they are the foundation of our community. These people raised families, and farmed and fought in wars and worked hard through hardships; something that our generation lacks- working hard. I admire them for that and have a lot of respect for them. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, possibly the most gossipy, finicky people I have ever met. They destroy my food with too much salt and complain if I forget to put ice on the table. Who cares if you have ice in your glass of tang? Who cares if the butter isn't soft enough? There are bigger problems in this world. So get over it. I know, I know, there are bigger problems in the world than how the elderly put mounds of salt on their pork chops; but for once I would like them to come up to me and say "Thank you, it was delightful".


I went to Craven Country Jamboree at the beginning of July. Most of you don't know what that is, so I will explain. It is this huge (like almost 24 000 people in the middle of a field huge) country music festival in the middle of no where Saskatchewan. Basically, 24000 rednecks get hammered for 5 straight days.

What. a. gongshow.

I can't even explain how ridiculous this event was. People walk around without clothes on. People sleep in cattle trailers. We saw a grain truck that was used as a hot tub. So many good times, so much gin consumed. I found out that Taylor Swift is a horrible performer (although, most of us could guess that anyway). And George Strait, oh Georgio...what a beautiful man.

I honestly can't believe how fast this summer is going. When I started the summer I had a bunch of milestones throughout the summer, a group of about 5 or so. I now only have one left (family reunion in 2 weeks). Which is crazy.

I love being home, I love my farm in the summer. There are so many babies, and the grass is so lush and green, and the garden is our main source of food, and the smell..oh the smell is what I miss most when I am away. But, I miss the city, I miss my friends. (I know that two weeks into school I will not be thinking the same thing). I am not the same person I was when I was growing up in Redvers, and neither are the friends who grew up with me. This has made things awkward and sad, but it is time to grow up and move on (not completely, but somewhat). Part of me still wants to be 17 when we could cause shit and work at Myrnas and booze cruise in the Corolla. I should write a song about it. Kidding.

Annnnyywhosie. I am tired now. Tomorrow is my first day off since last Sunday, so I really just want to go for a bike ride and lay outside and read my book and go for a long drive by myself. Should be nice.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rock on, Gold Dust Woman

Okay, so its been almost two months since I last posted anything.

Honestly, I really haven't had anything to say.

I work. I sleep. Sometimes I eat. And feed my bottlefed calf named Waldo.

But now I have something to say..

So my mom loves Fleetwood Mac. And it just happens that I love them too. They are on tour right now, and so for my mom's birthday/mother's day, my dad and I bought tickets for her. So, the concert was on Saturday night, so I spent the whole weekend hanging out with my parents..whoo. But...

Wow. What a show. Everything was just great. For starters..we were on the floor, fifth row, right in front of Stevie Nicks. Close enough to see spit and sweat flying everywhere (not exaggerating at all). We were right in with the die the drunk, crying hard core Stevie Nicks fans. Amazing.

They started a bit shaky..honestly, Stevie screwed up Rhiannon pretty badly, so I was worried about the rest of the concert. But they got better..and better..and better. By the end.. it was just..fantastic. They pulled out the song "Storms" (if you don't know it..I would find it) which is one of my absolute favorites. Apparently, they have never performed it live until this tour. It was a good choice. What a beautiful 10 minutes in my life. Like really...I can't even explain how magical it was.

Oh BTW...Lindsay Buckingham..WHAT A BABE. Like I mean, he was hot in '75, but my God..he has aged well. If I wasn't there with my parents, I would have been right right at the front screaming at him. He might even have beaten out Mick Jagger in my books and that is saying something.

Halfway through the concert I had a revelation about why I enjoy music and concerts and performing so much. As far as I could see, no one was sad at that concert. I mean, I almost shed a tear during Storms but that was because Stevie Nicks is amazing and beautiful and such, but no one was sad. Or angry. Or wanted to destroy something/someone. Because music makes people happy. And it brings people together. The people sitting beside us, we were complete strangers and I will never see them again, but we spent the evening together dancing and celebrating a band that we love. And that is nice. I think we need more of that in life. was a nice weekend. I got to go shopping, bought some tea, some makeup (Winnipeg apparently has a Sephora..halleluia!), some clothes, some pasta.

Tomorrow, I start my new job. Well it really isn't new, I have worked at the place for over a year, but I am starting a new position. For the next 12 weeks I get to take people with disabilites swimming, on day trips, and plan BBQs and all that stuff. I am so excited, and it is much better than working at the ice cream shop.

I should go to bed.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I'm home!

The past three days have been busy, but tonight my parents are in the city at a concert so I am happy to be hanging out at home with my cat, listening to Donavan and making rice crispie cake.

As I was packing my massive piles of stuff into bags and boxes on Thursday, Melissa and I were talking about how we never get charged for overweight luggage; of course this time I get caught and have to pay seventy five dollars for eleven extra pounds of luggage. BAH.

I stumbled into my house at 10:30 on Thursday after a very long day, and the first thing my mother says to me when I get home was "Your dad needs help laying pipe tomorrow"

This did not put me in a good mood, let me tell you.

So yesterday morning instead of sleeping in as I had planned, I was outside on hauling 20 ft. steel pipes around so that we can pump water into our dugout. It really wasn't bad, the weather was nice, and I got to hear my neighbour (possibly one of the funniest men ever) tell stories at lunch time. Oh jeez.

I finally ventured into town this afternoon to pick up some groceries and to talk to my boss about work. It is safe to say that Redvers has not changed a bit. I had fresh eggs and REAL bacon for dinner (yay!), and then the dogs and I went for a walk. I saw a rainbow and I almost got attacked by one of our roosters. It was all and all a beautiful, relaxing, wonderful day back at home.

I am trying to upload some pictures that I took tonight but it doesn't seem to be working (thanks saskatchewan wireless) so I will try again tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Happy Easter Monday!

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend full of good food, lots of sleep and other wonderful things. I spent my weekend studying for an economics final and packing up my residence room. I wrote my first final tonight, have more exams tomorrow and Wednesday, and I fly out Thursday afternoon. Things are pretty hectic right now, I really don't know how I am going to have time to study, write exams, finish packing, and say goodbye to everyone before I am flung across the country for the summer. Well it really isn't across the country, but you know what I mean.

I don't know how I am going to deal with being home. St. Pauls is so...loud, but comfortably loud. Everyone is everywhere and knows everyone else's business- just like a big, noisy obnoxious family. I am scared of waking up on Friday morning and being the only person in my house- I don't even remember what that feels like.

Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to going home. At home I don't have to wear flip flops in the shower and I can eat REAL food again; but when you spend eight months with your friends and you eat together, study together, go to class together and are just...together all of the time, not having that is going to be so strange and empty.

I complain about St. Paul's just about everyday, but I really love this place. I love grilled cheese for lunch, my perpetually messy room, strange smells in the hallway, eating dinner at the big table, and seeing people play soccer on the St. Paul's green on sunshiney afternoons. I love the anticipation of walking up that path, knowing that soon I will be safe and warm.

I can't believe that we aren't frosh anymore.

I think the stress of exams is getting to me.

Monday, April 6, 2009

That being said...

What a friggen busy weekend.

All day Saturday and Sunday I was taking a CPR and first aid course. It was a bit of a joke ("so, ummm, if a baby is unconcious, is it crying?" says the girl in AHS), but I am certified again and I am pretty sure if needed I could do chest compressions.

Saturday evening was St. Paul's formal. We went out for dinner (REAL FOOD HURRAH!), and then went dancing with St. Paul's. Too many gin and tonics and rye shots turned into a really good night and a wonderful end to a good year.

I can't believe I am done first year classes. I know everyone says this, but really it seems like frosh week was last week. It's strange, I only have two more years of actual university and then eight months of work placement and then I am "grown up" even though I don't have a clue what I want to do and I probably won't ever know.

In other news, and have started to dominate my life. If you don't already know about these wonderful gifts from the internet god, please check them out.

It's snowing again. Aaah.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Sweet Jams...

Today is a junky weather day. Snow on the ground again.

Instead of working on my LAST stats assignment or studying for my health final like I should be, I am listening to burnt CD's that I made when I was 15 and drinking peppermint tea.

It's a good life.

I went to the mall yesterday, mostly just to get off campus for a couple hours. Took the bus to Cambridge (just for H&M); I love watching people on the bus, I could sit on the bus all day and just watch. Found a dress for formal and a high waisted skirt that I am in love with; also a stop at the MAC counter. Good stuff.

So tonight at the Bomber is open mic night and I think it is the last one of the term. Honestly, Monday night is really the only night of the week that I look forward to; (mostly) good music, good company, cheap beer, I am always so happy to be there. It reminds me so much of Monday nights in Suisse (except for the cheap beer part), maybe why I enjoy it so much? Anyways tonight should be a hoot as always, hopefully we will end up dancing to "Home for a Rest" at the end of the night.

Time to get to work.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

In the beginning..

The moment has come.
I broke down.
I am officially a blogger.
I am only like, three years behind the times.

Anywho, I have been thinking about making a blog for quite some time now for a number of reasons;
1. It always seems that I am far away from many of my friends no matter where I am- I guess it is an easy way for people to keep an eye on me and make sure I am not causing too much trouble.
2. Sometimes I just NEED to write stuff down. Sometimes I want to share it with people, sometimes I don't. You get to read what I want to share. Most of it will be just junk (what I ate for breakfast, I saw someone with a really bad haircut in the math building today, etc. Not really) but some of it will be good, I promise.
3. If you know me at all, you know I love to tell stories.
4. Some people tell me I am funny. Some days I agree with them. Maybe I can make you laugh sometime?

So yes. Here we are. Oh, in case you forgot who I am or you stumbled across this blog is some stuff.

So my name is Katie (or Kathleen) and I am currently hanging out at the University of Waterloo for a few years; working on a degree in International Development. Its a pretty good time, but don't ask me what I want to do with my life, I will probably never know. What else?

Oh, I am from Saskatchewan.

May not seem like a big deal, but I have realized in the past year and a half that this is a guaranteed conversation starter for three reasons:

a) They don't know where that is.

b) They know where it is, but they didn't know anyone actually lived there.

or c) They know people from Saskatchewan. Chances are I know the person, or if I don't, I have a friend whose cousin's maid does. True story.

Oh, I should also throw this in although you may have noticed this already- I hate punctuation. I write the way I speak, which means I throw things into sentences when they aren't needed, or don't put them in at all. Sorry about it, it is just a habit. So if I am not making sense..too bad. Yeah.

I don't have much else for this introductory post. So I should go to bed.
Night night.